sâmbătă, 21 martie 2009


My dearest,

I couldn't sleep last night because I knew it was over between us. I'm not better anymore because I know that what we had was real...
And if in some distant place in the future we see each other in our new lives, I'll smile at you with joy and remember how we spent our long nights walking and talking through that campus...learning from each other and...growing inlove...
The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace into our minds...and that's what you've given me....and that's what I hope to give to you forever...

I can't wait to see the house you promised to build for me...for us...

All this will be found in a notebook....and remember...365 letters...forever to be read over and over again, until we can't see anymore...

I love you, I'll be seeing you...

2 comentarii:

Diana spunea...

Deseori ma intreb daca cineva care citeste blogul meu, mai si pricepe ceva. Normal ca raspunsurile vin de la cititori....m-ai pierdut...ce ai vrut sa zici...sau reversul. Dar sa nu te astepti ca si la tine sa nu fie la fel. Si acum stau si ma gandesc, daca eu, care se presupune ca te mai si cunosc catusi de putin, sunt pierduta in atatea detalii, si atatea idele romantice, el, necunoscutul, cum o fi.
Oricum, ideea concretizata in abstract va fi solutia viitorului de ieri....de azi....sau cine stie...de maine

Anonim spunea...

thanks for this nice post 111213